Animal Crossing: New Horizons
They don’t tell you this at the ticket counter, but it all comes back to Turnips. There are many other sectors of the Animal Crossing: New Horizons economy, from butterflies to fish, fruits and fossils, but they all pale in comparison to Turnips. If you want to get rich in this island paradise, build the house of your dreams and drive your neighbors wild with envy, there is but one path: buy turnips, sell turnips, repeat. The stalk market rules all. I’ve written a fair amount about this fascinating piece of the Animal Crossing economy, but wanted to synthesize everything into one simple guide.
So, if you were wondering what was up with Turnips, read on.
The Basics: Turnips are a special item in the Animal Crossing series. They can only be purchased on Sundays, and they will rot if you do not sell them within one week. They fluctuate in price, like the stock market, and so you can either lose money or make money depending on when you sell them.
How do I buy them? Every Sunday, from 4:00 AM to 12:00 PM, a character named Daisy Mae will wander around your island. She’s easy to recognize: there are turnips on her head.
During this time, Daisy Mae will sell you turnips at a pre-determined price ranging from 90-110 bells. A lower price is better. You can buy them in stacks of 10, as many as you can carry, and you can make multiple trips. You can easily put all of your fortune into Turnips, and many do.
How Do I Store Them? Turnips cannot be stored like regular items. You have to scatter them around the ground or your floor, and many people have a dedicated turnip room in their houses for just this purpose.
How Do I Sell Them? You sell turnips at Nook’s Cranny to Timmy and Tommy, like anything else. The trick is that they change prices twice a day: once in the morning, and once at 12:00 PM. These prices will fluctuate wildly, from as low as 15 bells to as high as 650.
The trick, then is to make sure that you sell your turnips at a higher price than what you bought them for. Ideally, a much higher price. You can make more than six times your initial investment back, and you can do so with as many turnips as you can buy. This is why they come to dominate the economy.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Those are the basics, and they can get you far enough. But if you really want to make the most out of your turnips, you need to know a little bit more. Here are some ways that you can more or less ensure that you make money.
Different Islands, Different Prices: The prices for both buying and selling are different on every island. This creates a market that can dramatically increase your chances of getting a good price: you might only be able to sell for 40 bells, but your friend might be selling for 400. You can head over to their island, sell at their price, and reap the rewards.
We’ll get more into how to maximize this in a second.
Predicting Prices With Turnip Calculator/Prophet: As dataminers have discovered, Turnip prices are not random. They follow a set of pre-determined patterns that can be predicted with the right information. Online tools have popped up that allow you to use this to your advantage.
The two most prominent ones are Turnip Calculator and Turnip Prophet. They’re both basically the same: you put in your buying and selling prices, and it uses that data to predict what the prices are going to be a few days in advance.
I prefer Turnip Prophet, at least in the second week of use. That’s because it lets you input your price pattern from the week before, which allows it to be much more accurate about what’s going to happen in a given week.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Turnip Exchange: Maybe your friends don’t have good prices, or maybe your friends don’t play Animal Crossing. That’s fine! There’s a whole internet of friends out there. One of the easiest ways to find a good turnip price is from Turnip Exchange, a website where players can post their islands, their prices, and typically something that they want in exchange for prices: usually it’s some bells or Nook Miles Tickets.
It can take a while to wait for the best prices out there, but if you’ve got the time you can more or less guarantee yourself a good return. The tips are never onerous, and it’s easy to spare 99,000 bells if you’re bringing home 2,000,000.
The Rest of Social Media: Turnip exchange is the most reliable, but pretty much any gathering place on the internet can be repurposed into turnip trading. Just try searching for “turnips” on Twitter, and you will not get a whole lot of people genuinely interested in root vegetables. You’ll see a ton of people listing their prices, and generally speaking you’ll be able to go sell on someone’s island.
Exercise the same level of caution that you would always use when dealing with strangers on the internet, and monitor your kids if they’re using one of these methods.